5 Reasons to Join Forensics

First, what is forensics?

Forensics is a club that allows for the growth of public speaking skills in many different forms. You can perform in a variety of different mediums over an essentially unlimited number of topics and styles. Click here for more information on the different categories. But why should you join? Read on to find out!

1) It will stand out on your college application.

When colleges are looking for applicants to bring into their community, they'll be able to understand that you are a leader. You may not think that you are from the get-go, but you'll grow into one throughout the season as you refine your skills and talent.

2) You'll gain self-confidence.

Usually students are nervous before a presentation in front of a class, but after a few forensics tournaments, it will begin to feel like no big deal. Forensics gives students the opportunity to practice public speaking without judgement.

3) You'll be able to understand other people's perspectives.

There are several categories from which to choose in forensics. Depending on which you gravitate towards, you could either listen to pieces that have the main goal of teaching the audience, persuading them, or making the audience laugh, or feel emotion, and so much more. Not only are you doing this, but others perform as well. Through forensics, you will be able to gain the knowledge of others and widen your perspective of the world. Joining forensics is a great way to meet inspiring friends.

4) You'll be able to speak out about your opinion on specific subjects.

There are several categories that can be chosen from in forensics. Depending on which you gravitate towards, you could either listen to pieces that have the main goal of teaching the audience, persuading them, or making the audience laugh, or feel emotion, and so much more. Not only are you doing this, but others perform as well. Through forensics, you will be able to gain the knowledge of others and widen your perspective of the world. Joining forensics is a great way to meet inspiring friends.

5) It's not as difficult as you think.

In many people's opinion, the easiest category is the four minute speech. This category allows you to speak for a maximum of four minutes about any subject with the goal of persuading your audience. Then, after giving your speech a couple of times at competitions, it'll begin to feel like you're just talking to one of your friends. Keep in mind you are not speaking to a large classroom full of students, but in an empty room with up to 6 or 7 people - there's nothing to worry about.

If you want to join forensics, please contact Mrs. Helmers or Mr. Borener.