In just over 20 days, juniors here at South, and all over the state of Wisconsin, will take the ACT. Although for some this may be a horrifying realization, The Blackshirt is here to give information on how test-takers can make these next few weeks productive. Now, let's get you started toward ACT success.
What is the ACT?
The ACT is a college admissions exam that measures your skills and knowledge from high school to evaluate your college readiness.
What is tested on the ACT?
English Section: 75 Questions in 45 Minutes
Math Section: 60 Questions in 60 Minutes
Reading Section: 40 Questions in 35 Minutes
Science Section: 40 Questions in 35 Minutes
Writing Section: 40 Minutes to write an Essay (Optional)
How is the test scored?
The test is scored on a 1-36 scale. 1 being the lowest and 36 being the highest possible score.
How do I prepare for the exam?
There are many ways that you can prepare for the ACT. Here are a few:
Take a look at this presentation by Mrs. Haas, our school’s Library Media Specialist. The presentation gives you the resources you need to start preparing for the ACT. Among the resources is a new program purchased by the district called Method Test Prep. Method Test Prep comes highly recommended, and gives you different lessons condensed down into individual parts that can help you review and study.
Another great opportunity is to come to the library on Tuesday, February 6 from 7:35 to 8:05. Mrs. Haas, Mrs. Martin, and Mr. Hirsch will run an ACT Prep class FOR ALL STUDENTS. Here you will get more resources to study for the ACT and a chance to ask questions if you are unsure or just want more information.
The official ACT Website offers practice questions that give explanations for both the correct and incorrect answers.
Finally, the most important way to prepare is by taking as many practice tests as you can. Your brain is wired for repetition. The more you repeat an action, the easier it becomes. The more practice tests you take, the more acquainted you will become with different aspects of the ACT such as the formatting, types of questions and more. The South library has numerous practice test books available for students to check out. Or, if you would like to buy your own test book, good options include The Princeton Review, Kaplan, and Barron’s.
Remember, Blackshirts, the more work you put in, the better results you will see. On test day, just relax and do your best; that’s all anyone asks. Good luck, Blackshirts!