Jeans that cost $80? Or a vintage T-shirt for $3? Thrift shops are growing in popularity. According to an organization called Savers, more than 1/3 of Americans say they spend more time in thrift shops now than they did three years ago. Thrift shops give teens a chance to experiment with their sense of style for 1/10 of the price. Not only are they good for the consumer, but for the community as well. Some even partner up with charities that help locals and also offer jobs to those who need them. Here are a few more reasons why you should consider thrift shopping:
It’s inexpensive.
Savers claims that 56% of Americans say they try to pay full price as rarely as possible. This is why thrift shopping has grown in the past couple years. To find something that matches your sense of taste, it may take a little bit of searching; but once you find something, it will be a great feeling because of the great price.
It forces you to experiment.
The pieces you look at while at a thrift shop will make you wonder if you’d ever wear those items. Because they are all so inexpensive, you can have fun and purchase items that you usually wouldn’t buy. Individuality isn’t a hard thing to find when you’re at a thrift shop; there are so many items you can wear or even use as decor for your living space.
Photo by Shanna Camilleri / Unsplash
Thrift shops always have a Vintage Lookbook.
Ever wonder where kids with the vintage style get their fashion sense? It’s most likely from thrift shopping (or maybe their parents’ closet). Depending on what area your thrift shop is located, you can discover some great finds on items that were once popular fashion items in the past.
Last minute Halloween costume?
Thrift shops are great for an outfit you know you’re only going to wear once a year. Pulling together a costume for Halloween is no problem when you can just go to your nearby thrift store.
It helps the environment.
Instead of throwing away nonbiodegradable items or clothes to a landfill, people donate them to a thrift store. This helps save the environment with just a little bit of effort. With your business, thrift stores can continue their work and be able to help the environment in the long run.
At the end of the day, thrift shopping is a great way to find items for an affordable price. There are many weird things you can find at a thrift store, but there are also fun looks and decorative pieces that will add something unique to your life.