Hello Blackshirts! It’s that time of year again: time to go school supply shopping, regulate your sleep schedule, and prepare for classes. However, this year is going to be a bit different than the last.

As most of you know, due to the COVID pandemic, the School District of Waukesha has switched to a hybrid learning model. This means that each student only goes to school in person two days a week, Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday, with all students learning online on Mondays. To check which day you have in-person classes, visit the Calendar tab in Infinite Campus.

Along with hybrid learning comes a modified daily schedule. Students attending class in-person will go to all 8 of their classes, similar to a Monday schedule without homeroom. School will also begin a bit earlier on those days, starting at 7:55am instead of the usual 8:10am. Here is a look at what the days will look like:

COVID-19 Modified Schedule

Attendance will be taken in every class, and students who are virtual will self-check-in using Infinite Campus. Weekly lessons and assignments for each class will be available through Blackboard.

In terms of keeping students and staff safe, the district has taken a number of precautions. The school doors will open at 7:20am every morning, and all students entering the building will undergo temperature checks and will be scanned in with their ID. Students will only be able to enter through Doors 1, 13, and 26 (see below). Everyone is to go directly to their first hour class to minimize congestion in the hallways. The No-Backpack policy is still in place, but exemption forms are available in student services if needed.

Map of South & Open Doors

The drinking fountains will be closed, but students can use the touchless bottle filling stations to fill their own water bottles. The lunch period has been extended to 55 minutes to reduce crowds in the cafeteria, and students may be allowed to eat outside depending on the weather. Similar to previous years, Juniors and Seniors have an open campus for lunch.

The hybrid schedule helps enable physical distancing, and classrooms and desks are to be sanitized regularly–both in-between classes and after school. All teachers must have seating charts for all of their classes, and the seating arrangement will stay the same for the whole year. Teachers are required to wear face shields and masks, and will be maintaining physical distance from students.

Likewise, students are expected to wear a mask at all times. The district has a three-strikes policy in place for those who refuse to wear a mask. The first time, a parent or guardian will be contacted. The second time, the student will be suspended for the rest of the day. The third and final time, the student will be suspended and auto-enrolled in e-Achieve for the rest of the school year.

Things this year will be a lot different than we’re used to, but if we each do our part, we can have a safe in-person return to South. Don’t forget to wear a mask, and we’ll see you at South!